Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Periods. Aka My kryptonite

  Rich (my boyfriend) didn't want to go to the gym today since he was going to have a rough day at work. So my plan was that I was going to go by myself and spend about 30 minutes on the elliptical and skip doing weights because I wouldn't have a spotter. Good plan right?
  Well my day didn't go as awesome as awesome as I had hoped that it would. I was the closing server at the restaurant that I work at so getting up in the morning to get the monkeys off to school was as super fun as you can probably imagine. After they got on the bus I went back to bed for a couple of hours while still holding on to my plan of working out. At about my planned time of waking up I felt mind blowing pain in my gut area. OH JOY!!!!
  My period was late but I wasn't concerned since I had recently made the huge change of getting off my fat ass and working out. I figured that I wouldn't get one this month because of throwing my body into a tailspin. I also warned Rich so that he wouldn't freak out with a pregnancy scare.
  30 seconds after the first owwwww it started. The easiest way to describe it is that I liked going through labor more. At least with labor I had a brief break between contractions. This is a constant feeling of someone stabbing me and twisting the knife over and over again. Hence the JOY. I also tend to have a bulimic reaction and puke exorcist style. Puking is one of my least favorite things to do and I will fight it until I'm wearing half of it. Still sounds fun huh?
  The next three hours were spent popping a handful of Advil like candy and curling up in the fetal position on my bed. This also included some crying mixed with hot flashes and periodic shivering when the hot flashes went away. Rich was playing a new video game and occasionally hollered from the living room to check if I was still breathing. He sounds heartless with this but in reality when I feel that crappy I just want to be left alone. If he was the guy who would try to stroke my hair I would more than likely try to kick him in the crotch just for being male.
  So needless to say even though I had planned to work out my day didn't go how I wanted it to. I also didn't get to weight myself like I have planned to do every Wednesday since the only scale that I'm using happens to be at the gym. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow but typically I am still going to do it on Wednesdays just to keep it regular.
  This may be the grossest topic that I share.... Wait that's not true. I'm sure I will share grosser ones because who else can I gross out besides family and friends? It shows that I care and love you all. :)


Zoomy said...

Have you ever been checked for ovarian cysts? You've got a lot of symptoms that sound like cyst rupturing:

Miserable stuff. Endometriosis + ovarian cysts led Eryn to have all of her reproductive plumbing removed when she was 25.

Nissa said...

Sadly no I've never gotten checked out. Every time that I've talked to a doc they blow off the idea that there is something actually wrong with me. Also lack of insurance doesn't help either.