Thursday, March 24, 2011

A new pair of pants

  So I didn't go shopping and my pants aren't new but they are new again. At least to me. A  pair of pants that didn't fit a few months ago and were REALLY snug about a month ago (to the point of not being able to breathe) now fit. They are still on the tight side but I can actually breathe in them!
  Men don't understand why I have bins of clothes that no longer fit me. As a female I retain the right to keep clothes that once fit me, never fit me but someday may, and clothes that may come back into style someday. As I lose weight I have been eyeing my clothing with more love than distaste. The idea that I could wear cute clothing again is exciting. When you put on weight after front pooping a little person (or having a c-section like I did) their is nothing cute to wear. It sucks when you find out that the only clothes that seem to fit is the styles that your mother wears.
  My mom doesn't dress horrible for someone her age but I am about thirty years younger than her. There are three distinct styles of clothing (watch First Wives Club for this reference) Science Fiction young, District Attorney, and Driving Miss Daisy. I sure as hell don't want to have the Driving Miss Daisy look and I don't make enough money (or have anywhere to wear it to) to pull off the DA look. This leaves me with the Science Fiction young look. While I don't want to dress like Miley Cyrus I still want to look on the young side.
  Target (the one near me) has three main sections for women. It has young women, way to old for me, and maternity. Dear God I don't want to get so heavy that I have to wear maternity if I'm not prego.

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